The Yearly Atticus: 2022 in Review

All Things Atticus in 2022

A look back at all things Atticus in 2022.

Before we get too comfy in the new year, all of us at

Atticus Review

and Atticus Books want to send off 2022 with a proper walk down memory lane. This was a big year for us, with some major changes and mild growing pains, but above all this past year left us with a reminder of why we're in this: To showcase talented, independent, emerging, and overlooked writers.

2022 in Review



, we opened up two fronts in the book world:

Atticus Review

reopened for

s at the same time that

relaunched after a years-long hiatus. The press opened for submissions in all categories, and its staff spent most of the year selecting the best manuscripts to bring into the world.

Another major change came in


, when

Atticus Review

switched from a weekly publication to a triannual format, with our

going live in



Summer was on the slow side (as it should be), but in fall, the seeds we planted in spring started to come to fruition. Our

, which launched in


, was themed around the Internet. Shortly thereafter, in Fountain Hills, Arizona, Atticus Books launched



, giving the press a new venue for books, records, readings, workshops, and more.

The new venue coincided with the cover reveal of the first title from Atticus Books planned for 2023: Lori Jakiela's memoir THEY WRITE YOUR NAME ON A GRAIN OF RICE, which will hit shelves early this year. Adding to the Atticus extended universe, we launched a podcast, Atticus After Dark with Sam Slaughter. That's right, we even launched a podcast this year! Is there anything we can't do? There's only one way to find out.

Atticus Review

ended 2022 with a flurry of nominations for the

, Best Microfictions, Best Small Fictions, and

, showcasing just a fragment of the talent we had the privilege of publishing this year.



, we again resurrected an Atticus tradition with a new flash fiction contest, this time judged by

, which will run until January 15.




, capping months of hard work by our dedicated readers and editors. Speaking of which,

Send us a note, a CV/resume, and join our team.

Between issues, we published book reviews, interviews, and blog posts, and we are excited about what we have in store for you in the coming year on our refurbished, somewhat eclectic blog,


We have SO MUCH for you to look forward to in 2023! Be on the lookout for the latest updates about new titles, cover reveals, and official launches from Atticus Books. Our flash fiction contest ends in one more week, and beyond that, we are open for submissions in all genres for Issue Four, to go live in April.

You can also

catch us in Seattle at the AWP book fair

, and on March 11 at 6:30 PM at The Grumpy Bean in downtown Seattle for an off-site reading.

Last but not least, we want to thank you, readers, for your support. We could not do this without you, and even if we could, why would we? You are the reason we're in this, after all. What is literature without its audience?

This next year, we hope to continue our part in building the literary community, and we hope you'll join us for another wild ride around the sun.

Until next time,

Happy New Year from all of us at

Atticus Review

and Atticus Books!



We are pleased to announce our nominations for the Best Small Fictions, 2022!


We are

for CNF submissions! We are also open for book reviews and mixed media.We will be open for poetry and fiction submissions at the end of December. Stay tuned for more!


We are OPEN for the 2022 Atticus Review Flash Contest!


Author Sara Lippmann joins the pod. We discuss her story collections, Doll Palace, re-released by 713 Books, and Jerks from Mason Jar Press. Her work has been honored by the New York Foundation for the Arts. 


We are able to bring you content such as this through the generous support of writers and readers like yourself. Please consider becoming a regular

today. All subscription levels include free submissions.

Our Reading List is updated each week. Go check it out!Are you a contributor to Atticus Review who'd like your book featured in the reading list? Send us an email at [email protected]

**For photo credits, follow links to stories.**