The Weekly Atticus

Let's Get Reacquainted | The Weekly Atticus

A recap of the week at Atticus Review, along with some extras.

Let's get reacquainted. 

Dear ,Welcome to the new Atticus Review. It's been a while since you've heard from us. You may have even forgotten you're on this email list. Not to worry. You can always unsubscribe using the links at the bottom.But we hope you don't. We really hope you stay.I'm David Olimpio. I've been the Editor-in-Chief of Atticus Review since July and in March I became the new Owner. At the end of March, we went on a brief three-week hiatus to revamp the Web site. And now we are back! With a new look, and some new content. Like what, you ask? Like a new political cartoon series called "Feral Town." (at right) Like a new literary video book review/therapy session. Mostly we will continue shining a light on some great creative work that you will not want to miss.As for these email updates, you can expect to receive them once a week on Saturday mornings.So, here we go. To kick things off, below is a short letter from me, something to set the tone for what we will be about moving forward.Thank you for being here.

LETTER FROM THE EDITORby David Olimpio, Editor-in-Chief"I often need reminding that I too can drive. I often need reminding that in the face of the dread, the best (the only?) thing I can do is begin anyway. We can shape the still air with our breath. We can cut the fallen wood with our words. We can make good shit.It is spring. We are not dead."READ MORE


BOOK REVIEW: A Moral Tale and Other Moral Tales by Josh EmmonsReview by Alyssa Gillon 

"Emmons’ collection brims with the juice of thwarted romance: divorce, breakups, and tons of cheating. Everyone wants what’s off-limits, unavailable, uninterested. The love triangles and overlapped desires in “Concord†are enough to color code and diagram."READ MORE

FILM REVIEW: PERSONAL SHOPPERBy Alison Lanier"The treatment of space in the movie is part of its haunting: with long trailing shots from room to room, the movie gives a clear and heavy sense of inhabiting the haunted house, the client’s glamorous apartment, and Maureen’s own small rag-tag garret with stripy towels used in place of carpets."READ MORE

FICTION: FUDDBy Dave Housley"Fudd puts a shell into the Winchester and racks it. “Be very, very quiet,†he says, too loud, and then catches himself. He surveys the familiar null space of the cartoon forest, the green somehow too green and not green enough, grassy but composed of no individual grasses. The blue box of sky is flat and unchanging.  He listens for the scurry and chatter that will signal the animal’s arrival. Fudd doesn’t know much but he knows this: it is rabbit season, and he is rabbit hunting."READ MORE

FEATURED POET: ERIKA LUCKERTWe’re as excited to introduce the newest addition to our distinguished Featured Poets roster as the poetry world in general should be to have her. Erika Luckert’s verse has all the punch and lyricism that longtime readers have come to expect from our pages, and I know readers will continue to love and follow her work for years to come.READ MORE

CNF: THIS IS A TEST: A PERSONAL ESSAY IN SIX DISSOCIATIVE ACTSBy Lisa Lanser Rose"He exits through the condo door, leaving it wide open. Not a sound escapes, no kibble rattling into a bowl, no toenails on the tile or canine crunching, no coughing, sniffling, or chatter to a pet, just minute after minute of increasingly hypnotic silence."READ MORE

VIDEO POEM: POT HEADWritten by Trevor Meaney and directed by Bryan Dickinson.WATCH NOW


Here is a little gem from Lou Reed's Demos, Papers And Record Collection Soon To Be Public: "Everyone loses their nerve — everyone. Everyone feels vulnerable and small. Take courage from that." READ MORE

From an article by Kate Kellaway in The Guardian. Here's something to think about from Rachel Cusk: "I'm certain autobiography is increasingly the only form in all the arts." Do you agree?READ MORE