The Weekly Atticus

This Week at Atticus Review

A recap of the week's writing at Atticus Review. Intro by Christopher Linforth.

This week at Atticus Review, the staff of the magazine sat down to talk about their first journal publications and what they meant to them. As many of you know, being published for the first time offers validation and confidence, the world saying yes, you're doing something right. We're happy to say that Atticus Review has long been a champion of new writers and that we publish many writers' first creative pieces. As Atticus transitions from a near-daily magazine to a triannual publication, we're now looking for original cover art for the Spring 2022 issue. We'll pay a small honorarium. Please check our Submittable page for more details and look at our recently published work to see if your art would be a good fit. On the site this week, we have a stellar line-up. First, Ali Black's CNF piece "Auntie" reflects upon her family, the South, and the lives her close relatives have had. In fiction, Hannah Grieco's fantastical flash "First Kicking, Then Not" keeps us guessing until the last sentence. In a similar vein, Jean Theron's poem "Fire, Then Ice" tantalizes us with one lyrical line after another, leading us to an ethereal end. In mixed media, Caroline Rumley's "Salty Pie" explores the intersections of football, racism, Thanksgiving, and food. Finally, a reminder that submissions to our unthemed Spring 2022 issue close on March 15th, while over at Atticus Books, Dan Cafaro is still on the lookout for book manuscripts. He's accepting book manuscripts in several genres until March 31st! Until next week, thanks so much for reading. Christopher LinforthEditor-in-Chief



ON FIRST JOURNAL PUBLICATIONSbyAtticus Review StaffRecently, CNN published an article on the state of literary magazines in America. The piece noted the issues facing magazines and the challenges in operating them. It’s been alarming to see so many well-respected magazines fold, but it’s not all bad news. This week in the Attic, EIC Christopher Linforth opens up the topic of first publications to the Atticus Review staff.


FIRST KICKING, THEN NOTbyHannah Grieco"Kendra did all the talking then, even though it wasn’t her sister the bird took. She told them she wasn’t sure what she saw, and those cops nodded and never even asked me what I saw. So I didn’t tell them about that big black shadow flying slowly, lazily away, barely flapping its wings, with a tiny set of legs hanging down."


FIRE, THEN ICEbyJean Theron"In the streets, snow angelscut class and saw that breathcan be seen. We plowed onand fought the urge to tastebefore it melted out to sea."


AUNTIEbyAli Black"The only thing I want to do is sit and listen to them talk and reminisce and share their wisdom with me. Everything else feels like a distraction. I’m sitting with two historians. Two legends. Two women with answers, with stories I don’t know."


SALTY PIEbyCaroline RumleyArtist’s Statement: People in the US like to spend Thanksgiving Day with family, but with the ever-increasing rise of blatant racism, traveling home for food and football becomes impossible as political views collide.


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