The Weekly Atticus (12/15/2018)

We Double-Dog Dare You | The Weekly Atticus

A recap of the week at Atticus Review, along with some extras.

Dear ,Normally, we like the introductions to these weekly letters to be personal messages from one of our editors on topics relating to writing craft or literary culture. I wanted to switch that up this week and just take a moment to wish you a Happy Holiday and to say thanks for being part of the Atticus Review family of readers/writers. Over the past year, we've published more than 300 original pieces of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, videopoems, short films, reviews, and interviews. We've run four writing contests and, by the end of the year, we will have awarded $1950 in prize money to a group of awesome writers. We continue to support all of our writers by promoting their ongoing successes, even well after they are published on our site. Furthermore, in 2019, we will be able to pay the contributors to our Print Annual. I'd like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to our volunteer staff of contributing editors. I couldn't ask for a smarter or more committed group of people. Their hard work keeps things going here.Thank you to: Adam Gustavson, Aditya Desai, Alison Lanier, Amber Shockley, Chauna Craig, Eleanor Gallagher, Matt Mullins, Michael Meyerhofer, Michelle Ross, Naomi Kimbell, Reneé Bibby. These folks are the heart of Atticus Review, and are responsible for bringing you the great content you find here each week. I especially want to thank Dorothy Bendel, our Managing Editor, for keeping me sane by sharing managerial and editing responsibilities with me, making sure we stick to our daily publishing schedule and ensuring our content looks fantastic. Also, a heartfelt thank you to Jen Maidenberg, whose strategic insight has been, and continues to be, very important to the magazine. She is always keeping an eye on the big picture and identifying opportunities for us.  I also want to acknowledge our first Editorial Intern, who came on board in September, Victoria Anllo. So far, she's been helping us apply our current editorial guidelines and standards to our archived content, and she's been doing a great job of it.And of course, thank you to each and every one of you reading this newsletter and our journal, sending us your stories and poems, and contributing your dollars when you can. We wish you all a Happy Holiday season and the very best in 2019! We are very glad you're here.

David OlimpioPublisher and Editor-in-Chief 


FERAL TOWN by Adam Gustavson

BOOK REVIEW: UNMASKING NERVESA Review of NERVE CHORUS by Willa CarrollReview by Maximilian HeineggPoems that are "hyper-alert, picking up pleasure, pain, and the spectrum between." READ ON

READ THE 2018 FLASH FICTION CONTEST WINNERS!Stories by Susan Segal, Melissa Ragsly, Dean Gessie, and Melissa Goode.READ ON

INTERVIEW:Michael Meyerhofer interviews Fresno Poet Laureate and spoken-word artist S. BRYAN MEDINA."I’ve encountered many at the academic level that want to diminish Spoken Word/Performance Writing and its place in creative writing. I’ve encountered many Spoken Word poets who don’t appreciate the Page poet. Why do that?"READ ON

CNF: THIS TIMEby Tim CurnsPart of our Superunknown: Stories About Songs series"I knew if I was going to share a song with my classmates, it would need to be something powerful. Something that would force them to really see me—not just see through me."READ ON

FILM: THE HETERONORMATIVE IRONY OF BOY ERASEDA review of BOY ERASED from director Joel EdgertonReview by Charlie Nash"Edgerton’s backhanded activism isn’t just reductive, it’s ultimately harmful."READ ON

FILM: THE ASSAULT ON TRUSTA reflection on Daniel Goldhaber's CAM, the world of AI, deepfakes, and autoencoder software by Brad Avery"...CAM packs the double punch of being a feminist critique of patriarchy and a digital canary in the coalmine."READ ON


We are funded entirely through voluntary contributions from writers and readers.