The Weekly Atticus (07/14/2018)

Check Your Writerly Vitals | The Weekly Atticus

A recap of the week at Atticus Review, along with some extras.

Dear ,

Someone asked me recently what new writing project I was working on. I don’t like to talk about projects-in-progress in much detail, so I just said that I was working on several collections of stories. Then she said to me, “Did your first book do well enough that you think you’ll be able to publish another book?”I’m struck by what a weird and depressing philosophy this question seems to invoke. Ask me why I write, and “to publish books” is not an answer that comes to mind immediately, if at all. I write because it sustains me in a way that nothing else can. I write because it’s integral to my being present and conscientious in this life. I write because I have something to say and the written word is the medium with which I best express myself. I write because I love it. I write because I’d be a grouchy, depressed wreck of a person if I didn’t. Let’s just imagine that a writer has reason to believe that she might struggle to publish a second book, would this be rationale to abandon writing another book? I contend that if it is, then writing is not a passionate pursuit for that writer in the first place and she’s probably better off searching elsewhere for what she is passionate enough about to pursue no matter the obstacles.I caution against asking questions such as Will I be able to publish this book? Am I or will I ever be good enough a writer to win that award or publish in that journal, etc.? Instead, all you need to ask yourself is this: Is the act of writing vital to me? If the answer is no, you probably aren't reading this. If the answer is yes, then keep writing no matter what doubts others cast upon you.  Also, thanks for reading. We’re glad you’re here.Michelle RossFiction EditorNOTE: The results are in and we'll be announcing the winners of our Flash Creative Nonfiction contest on MONDAY


FERAL TOWN by Adam Gustavson.

BOOK REVIEW: SKATING THE SPACE BETWEENA Review of KILL ME NOW, by Timmy ReedReview by Jeff Gilliland" excellent primer on being a teenage boy and a compelling, often scathingly satirical exploration of race and class in Baltimore..."READ ON

FICTION: POMEGRANATEby Kevin Spaide"He’s eating pomegranate seeds by the spoonful, but I can tell from the way he’s looking at me he’s not worried about going to Hell."READ ON

POETRY: HOMECOMINGby Julie Parker"Up north, it was a hard winterfull of husbandsand stamped out cigarettes,driveways thin as wristsnarrowed by mounds of snow."READ ON

CNF: HIGH LOWby Robert James RussellThe latest in our Superunknown: Stories About Songs series. "Later in life, I learn there are camps that last weeks, months. Camps where people French kiss and give handjobs in the woods."READ ON

FILM: CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSERA Review of Lucrecia Martel's ZAMAby Brad Avery"Premiering on the festival circuit last year, Zama is now rolling out throughout the U.S., but it’s likely to pose challenges for many audiences who will struggle with its unconventional format."READ ON


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