The Weekly Atticus (06/17/2017)

Let Inspiration Work in the Background | The Weekly Atticus

A recap of the week at Atticus Review, along with some extras.

Dear ,

(Today's letter comes to you from Book Reviews Editor, Michael B. Tager.)

Here's how it unfolds. You start to write an anecdote about when you got really into chickens. And how you called all over the state to ask chicken farmers questions, like, what’s the ratio of chicks to roosters at birth? What happens to the roosters? But this anecdote, which amused folks at the bar last night, doesn’t lead where you want, so you abandon it. 


This Letter from the Editor has to be good.

People might read it!


You decide to switch to another task. You edit a review from one of your book reviewers. When you’re finished, you feel accomplished, strong, capable. 


You switch back to the letter. It stares at you. It can go anywhere, be anything. You start another anecdote, this time about your recent travails at the post office. You realize you’re getting lost in the weeds and this is the kind of writing that would get rejected, because minutiae is boring to read, and you never need as much backstory as you think you do.

But writing the anecdote reminds you of your novel, so you move over to that. You’re 65% through the first revision of your novel when you open it and by the time you close it, you’re at 72%. This growth makes you unspeakably happy because you’ve never written a novel to completion before, much less revised one, and you feel like more of a writer then you did yesterday, or the day before that, or at any time since you started it a year ago, or since any of the incremental growth points since your first publication, which wasn’t that long ago, only seven years.

You’ve come a long way, baby. 


But you still haven’t written that letter, you procrastinator. You fraud. You bad, bad person. 


You write a poem-letter but you aren’t a poet: fail. So you switch to innumerable other tasks: You revise a short story for your writing group. You pitch to a journal you admire. You organize your reading series. You set up a meeting. You research agents. You go to a book release. You write a review. And you keep writing around the Letter, blocked by a tall, thick wall of mortar and brick and chartreuse-colored obstinance. The days and weeks slip by and you only have drafts. But you’re not worried. This ain’t your first rodeo.


Writing takes time. And blocks happen. Maybe you haven’t quite figured out the way to approach the topic. Or maybe you don’t care, or maybe you don’t want to do it, or whatever: Reason X. But you know you’ll figure it out, because you’re a writer, you’re an editor, this is what you

want to do

. So you remember the goal and you move between tasks. Just because you’re stuck here doesn’t mean you have to stay stuck


. There’s always writing and editing to write and edit, creative banks to fill, forward to be momentum-ed.  


Progress is progress and inspiration works in the background of dedication, like defragmenting your computer. Defragmenting doesn’t disallow action. 


Finally, you try a different tact. You switch tense, you switch POV because distancing can work when you’re lost. Something clicks. You realize a little meta-narrative is fine (on occasion). Writing happens how it happens and you’ll make your deadline with time to spare. Deadlines are important to you, writing is important to you. And you’ll write the letter because you’re a writer, you’re an editor and you’ve written letters. You’ve done this before. You'll do it again.

We're glad you're here.

Michael B Tager, Book Reviews Editor


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