The Weekly Atticus (01/26/2019)

One of These Could Inspire a Whole Chapter | The Weekly Atticus

A recap of the week at Atticus Review, along with some extras.

Naomi KimbellAssistant Creative Nonfiction Editor


Our Poetry Contest judged by Paul Guest is underway!


FERAL TOWN by Adam Gustavson

BOOK REVIEW: A SKY FULL OF FATAL STARSA Review of A SPY IN TIME from California Coldblood Books by Imraan CoovadiaReview by Bailey DrummREAD REVIEW

FICTION: MOTHER'S MATING CALLby Meg Pokrass"On the phone Mom described it this way: 'My belly’s distended, and the whites of my eyes bulge. Honey, I look like shit, but I’m alive.'"READ ON

POETRY: TERRIBLE EMMANUEL PROCTORS AN EXAMby Chris Haven"They are not meaningless, these exams. They have scale, consequence. Questions they know the answer to, but will change at the last minute to the wrong one."READ ON

POETRY: ONE OF HIS DISCIPLES WRITES A LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FOR TERRIBLE EMMANUELby Chris Haven"I am pleased to write this letter recommending my master to your firm. I have known him for thirteen months but he has known me my entire life. In fact, he created me."READ ON

CNF: VESUVIUSby Lizzie Lawson @Lizziedoos"At the top, steam rises from the volcano’s crater. 'There is always a risk,' I overhear a park official telling a group of hikers."READ ON

MIXED MEDIA: IN BETWEEN WORLDSA film by Sheldon Chau with words by Lilian Mehrel and music by John Corlis.READ ON

MIXED MEDIA: CHOOSING THE FACE WE SEEAlison Lanier examines two new documentaries about the disastrous Fyre Festival."Where Fyre Fraud is flippant, mocking, and generally treats its subject with all the detail and seriousness of a hashtag search, Fyre: The Greatest Party has all the first-person details that Fyre Fraud only alludes to."READ ON


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