Tap into the Back-to-School Energy (Aditya Intro) (09/07/2019)

Tap into the Back-to-School Energy | The Weekly Atticus

This letter is a recap of the week at

Atticus Review

, along with some extras.

Recently, SELF magazine health editor Anna Borges tweeted, “september has so much back to school energy that i literally have no idea what to do now that i’m not in school.” Like a lot of tweets, it’s a fun comment that will coast as aphorism for a day. But in that, there is truth — you can feel it, can’t you? It’s there, isn’t it? Kids scrambling to find their backpacks, teaching-artists scrambling to make their syllabi, and the rest of us scrambling to get a pumpkin-spice latte.As someone who went from college to graduate school and directly into teaching, I’ve never known a life without the momentousness of September. But still I don’t see the passing of summer as a time of lament. It’s become its own new reason to shake off the malaise of muggy hot days and get back into shape — mentally, at least. Curiously, in the time of year that signifies a cooling downturn in the weather, I become that much more energized towards chasing new horizons. To me, September feels just as rejuvenating as Spring. With new academic years, come open subs for many sought-after journals. The promise of fewer outdoors activities preps the mind for barricading indoors, perhaps at a desk, or rolled up with a notebook. And yes, that back-to-school energy — no matter how old we are or how far away we’ve grown from hallways and backpacks, there is still that fall buzz of getting busy, getting productive, right?We certainly are feeling that energy at Atticus Review. This weekly letter is imbued with forthcoming opportunities to get those creative gears churning — new calls for submissions, contest winners, and some great reviews. It might feel like things are getting busier, but looking at it another way — perhaps you are rising to the many occasions on the horizons to get those words down and send them off to awaiting readers.So whether it’s in the classroom, or at the writing desk, I’m going to tap into that energy and look ahead to the next few weeks as one of creative beginnings. Come, grab a PSL (or autumnal beverage of choice) and join me.Thanks for reading. We’re glad you’re here. Aditya DesaiBook Reviews Editor 



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