Seeking an EIC (David Intro) (08/07/2021)

Atticus Review is Seeking a New Editor-in-Chief!

We are looking for a new Editor-in-Chief. Find out more below.

I'm using the usual Weekly Atticus time-slot to let you all know that, after 5 years as Editor-in-Chief of Atticus Review, I will be stepping away from that role to focus solely on the overall publishing operations. I have very much enjoyed being EIC of Atticus Review, but I think it's time for somebody with a fresh creative vision to lead the editorial direction at the magazine. I'm looking forward to supporting somebody interested in being in that spot. They'll work with me and our excellent team of editors to bring Atticus Review into its next iteration as an online/print publication.For more information about the opportunity here is the link where you can find more: share the link or apply if you're interested!I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer. Thank you for being a subscriber and for your support of Atticus Review.David OlimpioPublisher & Editor-in-Chief