New Year, New Publisher, Same Atticus

A Note From David Olimpio

Hi Atticus Community!

This is David Olimpio and I'm happy to say I am back as the Publisher of Atticus Review. For those of you who don't know, I was the Publisher & Editor-in-Chief from 2017 until late 2021. At that time, I passed it back to the Founder Dan Cafaro in part because I knew I needed to make some big changes in my life and it would be hard to do that while running Atticus Review. In the intervening years, big changes were indeed made on my end, including a cross-country move from Philadelphia to Denver. During this time, Dan also had some big things happen, including the launch of the Atticus Books & Music bookstore outside of Phoenix, Arizona.

Fast forward to a few months ago when Dan and I caught up on the phone and realized that we were each interested in me taking over Atticus Review again as the Owner & Publisher. I had missed being involved in the literary journal world and had some new ideas I wanted to build, and Dan had decided he wanted to focus solely on the bookstore.

So here we are. Hello.

So what does this mean?

1. Atticus Review and Atticus Books & Music are now two separate entities with their own staff, mission, and business. Atticus Review is an online literary magazine and Atticus Books & Music is a bookstore based in Fountain Hills, Arizona.

2. Not much will change in the near-term as far as the publication of Atticus Review. I really like the direction Keene Short has taken the journal as Editor-in-Chief, making it a triannual. I’m super happy to say he will stay on in that role, and he, along with the excellent staff of editors, will keep curating and delivering awesome writing to the world. AR will continue in our mission to help give visibility to our many contributors through promotion and support.

I have begun making a few changes on the back-end of the site including switching our email newsletter provider for this, The Weekly Atticus, to a service called Beehiiv. Today's newsletter is the first from this new service and we hope you receive it without glitch. The Weekly Atticus will continue to be the primary way we stay in touch with our community and, through it, we will begin to deliver premium content in the future.

3. I will be focusing most of my energy on the launch of a sibling publication that will be one of the first to publish poetry on the blockchain. I believe blockchain technology presents an amazing opportunity to creatives of all kinds to own and distribute their work both on- and offline, and I want Atticus Review to be at the forefront of this. I will be talking and writing much more about this in the weeks and months to come.

So welcome! To the new/old Atticus Review. I'm super glad you're here.


Interior of a room.


by Barbara Riddle

"I’m going to jump both feet first into the snowbanks, learn to co-exist with the vicious black flies in May and continue putting down roots in my little rural town of Millinocket.”


by Christina Rossi

"Lu presides over a universe of small things—the words and phrases that transmit her meaning; the themes—broad or slight—that hold our attention; and the meaning of each poem, as defined by poet or reader.”


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**For photo credits, follow links to stories.**