New Poems Coming Soon

New Poems Coming Soon

- a poetry folio, contributor news, and earthquake relief aid - 

As you know by now, a powerful earthquake struck


and Syria on February 6 and has devastated the two countries at already fraught political moments for both. This is one of those moments where the urgency of the situation transcends language. As writers, we can process this tragedy on our own, and I encourage you to

Syrian and Turkish writers. Today, though, I want to focus on solidarity.

Tools like

are useful for identifying the best use of a donation. Some writers and readers have found

and the

to be ideal. For our readers in North America, there are plenty of refugee and other advocacy organizations such as

and the

that provide important advocacy, both national and international

.I know we're a literary journal, and there's a lot of good literary news, but we live in the real world. When Virginia Woolf wrote about the value of simply having a room of one's own, she wrote about the material circumstances in which we create and share art. As a literary community, it is our responsibility to help those who now have far less than that.

Contributor News

This week, the stories chosen for

were announced, and we have SO MUCH to talk about! Our own nomination,

was included in the final list. Additionally, our fiction editor Michelle Ross had two micros selected,

"Squash" (in The Forge) and "What I Owned" (in Monkeybicycle).A former reader of ours, Jamy Bond, also had her story "Tattoos" from Cheap Pop included, among several Atticus alumni: Patricia Q. Bidar,

Lucy Zhang, and Diane Gottlieb. Congratulations to all!

In other news, our recent poetry contributor Connie Post

released her newest book, Between Twilight. A frequent contributor, we most recently featured her work in our second issue.Are you an Atticus Review contributor? What have you been up to lately? Let us know!

Introducing: A Poetry Folio

From February 15 to March 15, we will publish a folio of 25 new poems. This folio is a celebration of poetry between seasons, of the necessity of poetry between moments. Normally, this sort of thing is reserved for National Poetry Month in April, but our thinking is that the world can't wait until Spring for poetry.

On that note, we will

close for submissions

for Issue Four on March 15, and will launch that issue on April 15. Beware the Ides of March, but also, the Ides of April are going to be amazing.

In the meantime, I hope you keep writing. The world needs it.


Keene Short




MEXICAN GOTHIC, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

reviewed by


"Every part of the storyline embodies a key trait Noemí does not have: compliance."



by Olha Svyripa

"I wanted to run. Every muscle in my body was so tense, that it felt like a wire humming inside. My feet stomped in vain, while my upper body leaned forward. It was like I tried to pull the whole van to make it move faster. We needed to get out of Kyiv. Faster. Faster."READ ON

SPECIAL CALL FOR THE ATTIC During February, we will have a special call for short essays drawing from experiences with video games, to be published in summer, 2023.


We are

for submissions in all genres! We are also open for book reviews, interviews, and mixed media.


We are able to bring you content such as this through the generous support of writers and readers like yourself. Please consider becoming a regular

today. All subscription levels include free submissions.

Our Reading List is updated each week. Go check it out!Are you a contributor to Atticus Review who'd like your book featured in the reading list? Send us an email at [email protected]

**For photo credits, follow links to stories.**