So Long, and Thanks for All the Book Reviews

A Note from Keene


As you might guess from the subject line, I want to briefly announce my departure from Atticus Review after Issue Seven launches in a few weeks.

To be clear, Atticus will still be around. Atticus will be here forever. Atticus will outlive us all. For me, I’ve enjoyed the behind-the-scenes work I’ve done for the journal, especially reading and publishing book reviews. I consider it an honor and an act of service to the literary community to have shaped a platform for highlighting so many literary voices on the Attic, and in particular indie publishers and books that fell through the cracks because of the pandemic. We’re writers; we’re all in this together; I believe we should act on that premise.

But it’s also time for me to step aside, move on to another town, try my hand at something else, mix some fresh metaphors, and more importantly to let someone else take the reins for a while. I’m proud of the mess I’ve made here, and now it’s someone else’s turn.

I’m still going to write, of course (including a blog/newsletter thing), and I’ll still read and edit and advocate for writers. At the local level this year, I’m going to spend more time with the immediate: Supporting my local library and indie bookstores, supporting small presses, volunteering in local politics, and showing up with a grassroots coalition for Palestinian advocacy and calling for a permanent ceasefire. Being a writer in this world means engaging with the world; the world is where you'll find me.

In the meantime, I hope you keep writing. The world needs it.

Keene Short




"This feels so much like my situation in my chosen small town here in Maine, endless material for me to sift and ponder and try to understand."


"This Was Back in the Typewriter Days": An Interview with Rick Ardinger

"People who do our taxes each year don’t understand why we’re doing the press. It makes no fiscal sense. Some people have boats and cars, some have good causes they devote their money to. Limberlost is ours."


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