Keep Steering Your Writing Ship (David Intro) (11/27/2021)

Keep Steering Your Writing Ship | The Weekly Atticus

A recap of the week's writing at Atticus Review. Intro by David Olimpio.

Last year, during this same week of Thanksgiving, I wrote in this newsletter about the fraught relationship I had with the restaurant I lived above at the time. It was ultimately a letter about how even though I was often distracted by that restaurant, I was ultimately thankful for it, especially in the year that was 2020.Just last month I moved out of that apartment and into a new place. I was worried about moving. Worried I'd made the wrong decision. That maybe the things I didn't like about the old apartment were still better than the unknown things I might not like in the new place. (Change is hard for me, even when it's a change in the right direction.)But it's been a month in the new place now and I do like it much better. It is less noisy. There are fewer distractions. I am still very thankful for that last apartment, though — my pandemic, post-divorce, transitional apartment. It was the right place to be during the time I was in it. A lot of life changes happened while I lived in that last apartment, but not a lot of acceptance. I have a feeling this new apartment will be a place of acceptance. And, fitting for this week, it will also be a place of thanks.Though I'll still be here behind the scenes as Outgoing Publisher, EIC, and Managing Editor through the end of the year, this will be the last newsletter intro I write. In the spirit of thanks that comes with this week, I wanted to take the opportunity to send a few shouts-out of gratitude. I've probably already done this, but I figure you can never have enough thanks.Thank you to everybody who's read, written for, or otherwise contributed to Atticus Review over the last five years. Thank you to all of you reading this now and who subscribe to the Weekly Atticus. Thank you for letting me steer this ship for this span of time. Thank you as well to the Editors and Submission Readers, especially to the staff members who have lent their voice to this newsletter. And a special shout out to Michelle Ross, Michael Meyerhofer, Chauna Craig, and Amber Shockley, for providing their input on stuff and for helping me keep this whole operation afloat and finding excellent work for us to publish each week. I could never have done this without you.Also, thanks to Founder Dan Cafaro for getting this all off the ground many years ago, and for coming back to it at just the right time. Like the move from my old apartment, I worried over this decision to move on from Atticus Review. But ultimately I knew it was the best thing, not just for me but for the magazine. And the last few weeks have confirmed that feeling as we've started to get some staff positions figured out. So real quick, a few notes about that—First, I'm happy to announce that the new Managing Editor will be Keene Short. Keene is a former contributor to Atticus Review. I've been getting him up to speed on stuff over the last few weeks and I know he's going to make a great addition to the Atticus team!The other big staff change is that Chauna Craig will be stepping away from the CNF Editor position after four years in that role. She will be replaced by Rachel Laverdiere, who has been one of our CNF readers for the last six months or so. While I'm sad to see Chauna go, I'm excited about Rachel stepping into that role and think she's going to be excellent in it.Congratulations Keene and Rachel. And welcome! Keep steering this writing ship! I plan on doing the same thing on my end, but in some new and different ways.With the short week, we only have two pieces below. We hope you enjoy them!And as always, thank you so much for reading. We're glad you're here.David OlimpioOutgoing Publisher, EIC and Acting Managing Editor


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