Introducing our New CNF Editors

Introducing Our New CNF Editors

We have new CNF co-editors and a handful of new readers!

New CNF Co-Editors

I've spent a lot of time as EIC lauding the collaborative effort of the writing community, the need for teamwork and cooperation and how nothing in literature happens in isolation. Today, I'm honored to introduce a bit of that community-building spirit in our two new CNF editors—though to be fair, they've been running the house since January and have been on the line as readers before that.My intention is not to introduce you to Lucy Wilde and Erin Hogarth by their bios, but by my direct experience working with them as a team. Together, they are thoughtful, engaged in all things Atticus, attentive to the needs of writers and readers alike, and willing to step up to the duties of the role. I can attest to their hard work and excellent taste as editors. I'm thrilled (and sometimes intimidated) to work with both Erin and Lucy, and I now turn the newsletter over to our new CNF co-editors. Big thanks to our multi-talented editor-in-chief, Keene Short, for the formal introduction. We (Lucy and Erin) are thrilled to be working as CNF co-editors with a team that showcases such diverse, thought-provoking, and poignant work. We snuck in quietly at the beginning of this year, after saying goodbye to former CNF editor extraordinaire, Rachel Laverdiere. Some of you will know her writing, and many contributors have experienced her kind and insightful editing support. We are grateful for her guidance during this transition.We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of our CNF readers, who have such an important role in carefully considering and making decisions on submissions. We have the privilege of continuing to work with Joe Kapitan, an accomplished writer who has a great eye for discovering gems. In February, we welcomed Stephanie Evans, Katia Kozachok, Ricardo Jose Gonzalez-Rothi, and Matty Weaver. It’s wonderful to have a group of readers with such varied backgrounds and perspectives who all contribute so much to the discussion about each piece. We appreciate their willingness to jump into the deep end with us, and their commitment to the readers and writers who love Atticus Review. In the next few weeks, you’ll be able see their lovely faces and read more about them on the masthead. We’re glad you’re here!Lucy and ErinCNF EditorsAtticus Review  



BOOK REVIEW: Story & Bone


Ken Bresler

"Poet Deborah Leipziger has answered Oliver’s famous question this way, in effect: She will write poems filled with colors..."



by Emily Huso

"I wanted Where We Set Our Easel to have the arc and timeline of a novel, follow the characters through a lifetime’s journey and satisfy the reader in its resolution, and yet shrink itself to within thirty pages."




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