End of Year Patreon Push

You Can Help Bring Atticus Review into the Next Decade

Atticus Review has been around for nearly all of the last decade.

You can help carry us into the 2020s and beyond.

Dear Atticus Review Supporter,First, I'd like to thank you for being a part of the Atticus Review community. For the last decade we have been publishing stories, poems mixed media, and various other forms of expression, sometimes weird, always wonderful, frequently both.Over the last ten years, we've posted over 3,000 individual pieces of writing and have had over 1,400 contributors. Since 2017, the magazine has awarded over $5,000 in cash prizes to contest winners. And in 2018 we began publishing an annual print issue in which all contributors are now paid.This brings me to why I'm writing today: doing all of this comes at a price. The costs of running the magazine are many and include hosting, internet services, software, printing, contests, and postage. The Internet is growing up and a lot of services that used to be free (or cheap) are free (or cheap) no longer. Overall, I think that's not such a bad thing. A less-cheap internet will help it produce less-cheap content. But it does present challenges for operations like ours. It means that just about every year, the hard costs for things like our Weekly Atticus newsletter (which we send out for free) go up.I speak on behalf of the entire Atticus Review Staff when I say we're happy that you are along for this ride with us. If you like what Atticus Review is doing, we hope you'll consider becoming a paid subscriber via our Patreon page. In so doing, you'll be playing a more active part in our community and carrying us into the next decade. A few of our goals for the 2020s include (though are not limited to) paying digital contributors and re-igniting our book-publishing arm, Atticus Books. You can help make these things happen. 

The last decade has been a strange one. There have been a lot of changes in our world. Not all of them have been good, but some of them have been truly wonderful. 

One thing's for sure: literary writing has flourished, and Atticus Review is just one of many venues where you can see that happening.

It doesn't have to be us, but we hope you'll consider contributing to a literary magazine, either financially or with your time by volunteering to be a reader or editor.

Thank you, as always, for reading. We hope you had a wonderful holiday and our team wishes you the best in the New Year and the New Decade!  

David Olimpio

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief