Dispatch from AWP

Dispatch from AWP

Live Readings Are Good Actually

A Successful Off-Site

Despite some challenges finding the best place to set up our mic, our shared off-site reading with Barzakh Lit Mag was a roaring success! I want to thank our hosts at The Grumpy Bean for such a great venue. If you are in Seattle and want espresso, I highly recommend checking them out before trying any other Seattle coffee shops (the city has a total of four, I'm told).The venue was small but intimate, and it was ideal for sharing prose and poetry with friends and strangers alike. I'm struck by the range of work our contributors offer up. Readers were vulnerable, funny, playful, haunting, and most of all willing to listen to one another share the fruits of their labor. Once again, this thing of ours (writing, not crime syndicates) works best as a community.If you want to support Barzakh, which is run through the English Department out of the University of Albany, SUNY, they are open for submissions until April 15, and will open up again in the fall. They are a very cool journal (they're friends with us, so they would have to be). 

See Us at the Bookfair

It's the last day of AWP! Come join us at T1340. We'll be there until it's a ghost town. We will also have our last whiteboard prompt, but to find out what it is, you'll have to drop by! There's only one way to solve a mystery, after all.

Atticus in the Future

After AWP, we have a lot going on, as we continue to publish to publish poetry for our mid-season poetry folio until mid-March, look out for the following dates: 

On March 15, we will CLOSE for all submissions (except book reviews and interviews).On April 5, we will OPEN for submissions in all categories, with a short run of fee-free submissions for the month.On April 15, we will launch Issue Four, the first official issue of 2023!Last but not least, we will announce the winners and runners-up of our flash fiction contest next week. Look out for a special newsletter dedicated to the victors (but not written by said victors; they're busy). 

In the meantime, I hope you keep writing. The world needs it.Peace,Keene ShortEditor-in-Chief




A book review by

Anne Marie Wells

"The motif of presence and absence gives the reader a clearer understanding as to why the speaker may be invoking an incantation in the first place, perhaps needing more certainty and groundedness within the many images of water, vastness, and infinity"

A CASINO IN GOMORRAHby Gary ThomasPoetry from Folio '23


We are

for submissions in poetry and CNF! We closed early for fiction submissions.We will close for poetry and CNF submissions on March 15 and reopen for Issue Five submissions sometime in April after that.We are also open for book reviews, interviews, and mixed media.


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Our Reading List is updated each week. Go check it out!Are you a contributor to Atticus Review who'd like your book featured in the reading list? Send us an email at [email protected]

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