Atticus in June

Atticus in June

What are you reading this summer?

Contributor News: June

Are you looking for something to read this summer? Let us recommend the newest books by some of our contributors!In poetry, Renee Emerson's Church Ladies debuts June 2 from Fernwood Press. Described as "invitation into the lives of women in the church—prophetesses, wives, saints, mothers, martyrs, daughters, and anyone who has been a tender of a family or community," the collection also features Emerson's poem "Mary Lyon's School for Women," which we published way back in 2017.In fiction, Jacqueline Vogtman's Girl Country launched this month from Dzanc Books. This seems like an ideal collection to take on a long vacation, as its stories "range from medieval Belgium to the near future of the American Midwest, populated by mothers and monsters, mermaids and milkmaids, nuns and bus drivers—women in every walk of life." An early contributor to Atticus, Jacqueline's story "The Great Flood" appeared almost a decade ago in 2014.In nonfiction, Suzanne Farrell Smith's Small Off Things from Littoral Books features "The Feeding," which we published in February of 2022, which somehow feels like thirteen years ago. Subtitled "Meditations from an Anxious Mind," this collection "tells the story of her life, not as a linear progression through time, but as a series of encounters, situations and events that reflect the absurdities and anxieties inherent in living in our world."Now that you have three great books to add to your June reading list, let's see what we have in store for July. If you are a former contributor, please feel free to reach out over email or social media to let us know if you have a book coming out or recently published. We try to keep track of them, but let's be honest, life is hectic, so a little nudge toward the good news is helpful.This June, we will continue to post installments in our summer series, WALKTHROUGH, on Mondays, and interviews and book reviews as well. We are still open for submissions, and our next fee-free day will be June 1, first come first served.In the meantime, I hope you keep writing. The world needs it.Peace,Keene ShortEditor-in-ChiefAtticus Review




by Andrew Zubiri

"You live under the same roof; I am twelve time zones away. We’re all getting better at passing the message like a game of Pong, but I’m not sure we’re getting the message across"




Barbara Riddle

"In the midst of this indecision and  paralysis, a tree catalog lands in my mailbox because of a donation I made recently to the Arbor Day Foundation. Yes! I’ll plant a tree. But what kind?"


IF NOT LOVEbyRachel M. Hanson



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